10 years of spreading holiday cheer

This year WestJet is celebrating it’s tenth consecutive WestJet Cares for Kids holiday tradition. During this community investment led initiative, WestJetters at Canadian bases spread much-needed holiday cheer by creating special experiences for youth served by WestJet Cares for Kids partner BGC Canada (formerly Boys & Girls Clubs of Canada), or Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada where a BGC Club isn’t available.
As a continuation from 2020, WestJetters once again focused on the safety of all. Protocols and guidelines in each of the communities served took priority when planning and organizing the initiatives. Despite a multitude of restrictions and obstacles, WestJetters in 26 communities from coast to coast were not deterred. In some cities, WestJetters worked with their local BGC Clubs to put together craft and decorating kits that were made available to youth at Club gatherings. In other cities, WestJetters organized hampers including food, gift cards, clothing and comfort items for families who could benefit from some additional support this holiday season. Where it was identified as a priority, some Clubs benefitted from direct donations.
A proud partner since 2007, WestJet and BGC Canada have worked together to transform the experiences of young people at BGC Clubs across the country. In addition to our annual holiday celebrations, WestJet also provides BGC Canada with the gift of flight year-round to help reduce administrative costs and significantly enhance their fundraising efforts.

For more than 120 years, BGC Clubs across Canada have been creating opportunities for millions of Canadian kids and teens. As Canada’s largest child and youth serving charitable and community services organization, BGC Clubs open their doors to young people of all ages and their families at 736 locations nationwide. During out-of-school hours in small and large cities, and rural and Indigenous communities, trained staff and volunteers provide programs and services that help young people realize positive outcomes in self-expression, academics, healthy living, physical activity, job readiness, mental wellness, social development, leadership, and more. Opportunity changes everything. Learn more at bgccan.com and follow @BGCCAN and social media.
A special Merry Christmas to all of our WestJet Cares of Kids partners and those they serve, especially to all the BGC youth who inspire us and this meaningful tradition year after year.