Last minute flights from Calgary to Curacao

If last minute flights from Calgary to Curacao is what you’re looking for, coming to WestJet was a smart move. We have flights to 100 destinations in North America, Central America, the Caribbean and Europe, including Curaçao International Airport, so you’ll never have a problem getting where you need be, when you need to be there. On top of that, we offer a winning combination of affordability and comfort, so you can expect to pay less and get more. These are just some of the many reasons why Canadians book with WestJet and why you should too.

A WestJet ticket is the first step of your trip to Curacao

Airport Details: From YYC, Calgary International Airport To CUR, Curaçao International Airport

Curacao's heritage-rich downtown core is endowed with cobbled streets, quaint stores and buildings that bear all the hallmarks of Dutch Colonial fashion. Of course, this cherished island is also home to powder-soft beaches and dozens of diving areas, with calm, clear waters that are ideal for spotting marine life and exploring shipwrecks. Rich in cultural diversity, Curacao also offers a variety of dining options, with dishes and flavours from around the globe.

Get last minute flights from WestJet and before you know it, you’ll be in a truly treasured and luxurious part of Caribbean. Enjoy the Queen Emma Bridge, Christoffelpark and the Curaçao Sea Aquarium once you've experienced safe, swift air travel from Calgary to Curacao with WestJet.

Soar through the clouds with WestJet: book with us today.

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