Last minute flights from Comox to Fort Lauderdale

If last minute flights from Comox to Fort Lauderdale is what you’re looking for, coming to WestJet was a smart move. Our wide and diverse network of flights includes stops into Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport, which makes us your go-to partner when you need to get where you're going. In addition, our commitment to safe, friendly and affordable air travel is second-to-none, so you can expect your money to go further with us. Browse our last minute flights today.

Let's fly to Venice of America

Airport Details: From YQQ, CFB Comox To FLL, Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport

In Fort Lauderdale, there's no shortage of soft, sandy beaches to choose from; there's also an endless array of water activities to try, including snorkelling, scuba diving, parasailing and paddle boarding. Yet this sun-soaked spot is not only a beachgoer's dream; it's also a cool, sophisticated destination with a variety of shopping centres and dining establishments to explore. Water taxis are a popular mode of transportation in the area — a great way to visit exciting attractions while soaking up the scenery along the way.

Your trip to Florida's most exquisite and relaxed destination starts when you book your last minute flight. No matter the reason for your travel, you can rely on WestJet to get you from Comox to Fort Lauderdale so that you can enjoy Flamingo Gardens and Wildlife Sanctuary, the Everglades and Las Olas Beach.

For an exceptional guest experience, book with WestJet today.

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