Last minute flights from Deer Lake to Boston

If last minute flights from Deer Lake to Boston is what you’re looking for, coming to WestJet was a smart move. Our wide and diverse network of flights includes stops into Logan International Airport, which makes us your go-to partner when you need to get where you're going. In addition, our commitment to safe, friendly and affordable air travel is second-to-none, so you can expect your money to go further with us. Browse our last minute flights today.

Let's fly to Beantown

Airport Details: From YDF, Deer Lake Regional Airport To BOS, Logan International Airport

As the capital and largest city of Massachusetts, Boston is well-known for its rich history, including its ties to the American Revolution and its prominent higher education institutions. Visitors can tour the city’s vibrant North End by foot and indulge in the neighbourhood’s famous Italian fare or snap a few photos outside the former Bull & Finch pub (perhaps best known for its exterior being featured on Cheers). The city has a special place in every baseball fan’s heart as well, thanks to one of Major League Baseball’s most iconic teams, the Boston Red Sox. For those who want a little taste of everything, Faneuil Hall Marketplace serves up a combination of history, culture and entertainment that’s sure to please all ages.

Your trip to Massachusetts's most historic and patriotic destination starts when you book your last minute flight. No matter the reason for your travel, you can rely on WestJet to get you from Deer Lake to Boston so that you can enjoy Beacon Hill, Fenway Park and Boston Common.

Reach for the sky with WestJet: book your next flight with us today.

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