Last minute flights from Deer Lake to San Francisco

Last minute flights from Deer Lake to San Francisco is what WestJet does best. We fly into San Francisco International Airport — not to mention more than 150 other destinations — and we're ready to get you where you're going. Since our inception, we've been dedicated to delivering excellent guest experiences at affordable prices. Browse our last minute flights today.

Start your visit to San Fran with WestJet

Airport Details: From YDF, Deer Lake Regional Airport To SFO, San Francisco International Airport

From its hilly terrain and distinctive cable cars to its stunning coastline, San Francisco's charms are many. Visitors to the cultural capital of northern California have an array of activities, pastimes and attractions at their fingertips, whether it's urban sightseeing, non-stop nightlife or exploring some of the city's many ethnic districts. Dozens upon dozens of parks also fill the city, including the enormous Golden Gate Park.

Get last minute flights from WestJet and before you know it, you’ll be in a truly pulsating and fun-loving part of California. Get the best out of the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz Island, Pier 39 and more once you've flown from Deer Lake to San Francisco with WestJet.

Soar through the clouds with WestJet: book with us today.

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