Last minute flights from Edmonton to Curacao

If it’s last minute flights from Edmonton to Curacao you’re looking for, you’ve come to the right place. We operate flights to Curaçao International Airport and many other airports in Canada, the United States, Mexico and Caribbean, which makes us your number one source for a flight that's right. In addition, our commitment to safe, friendly and affordable air travel is second-to-none, so you can expect your money to go further with us. These are just some of the many reasons Canadians choose to fly with WestJet and why you should too.

Get your ticket to Curacao from WestJet

Airport Details: From YEG, Edmonton International Airport To CUR, Curaçao International Airport

Cobblestone streets, Dutch-style townhomes and boutique stores are just some of the features that make Curacao an intriguing Caribbean destination. This sun-kissed island plays host to the type of attractions typically associated with tropical locales, including postcard-perfect beaches and beautiful azure waters. And when it comes to food, Curacao's cuisine is as diverse as its residents.

Get last minute flights from WestJet and before you know it, you’ll be in a truly treasured and luxurious part of Caribbean. No matter the nature of your visit, you’re sure to enjoy the Queen Emma Bridge, Christoffelpark and the Curaçao Sea Aquarium — most of all you can count on WestJet to get you from Edmonton to Curacao.

Soar through the clouds with WestJet: book with us today.

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