Last minute flights from Grande Prairie to Winnipeg

Last minute flights from Grande Prairie to Winnipeg is what WestJet does best. We fly into more than 100 destinations in North America, Central America, the Caribbean and Europe — including Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airport — which means we're able to take you wherever you want to go. Our long-term commitment to great guest experiences and safe, affordable travel means our passengers pay less and get more. Explore last minute flights with WestJet today.

Get your ticket to The Peg from WestJet

Airport Details: From YQU, Grande Prairie Airport To YWG, Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airport

As Canada's second-sunniest city, Winnipeg radiates a warm and welcoming vibe; it's also home to a diverse array of attractions, from exceptional ballet and opera productions to exquisite lakes and parks. Affectionately dubbed The Peg, this large, culturally diverse metropolitan city is a popular destination for much-loved festivals, including Festival du Voyageur, the Winnipeg Jazz Festival and the Winnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival. In the summer months, Grand Beach Provincial Park is wildly popular, with guests enjoying swimming, fishing, hiking or just a well-earned afternoon of relaxation.

Get last minute flights from WestJet and before you know it, you’ll be in a truly spirited and sociable part of Manitoba. Whether you're travelling for business or to visit attractions like Assiniboine Park, The Forks National Historic Site or The Manitoba Museum, you can rest assured that you'll get from Grande Prairie to Winnipeg swiftly, safely and comfortably with WestJet.

Soar through the clouds with WestJet: book with us today.

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