Last minute flights from Liberia to Whitehorse

Make WestJet your first and last stop in your search for last minute flights from Liberia to Whitehorse. We fly all over North America, Central America, the Caribbean and Europe, including Erik Nielsen Whitehorse International Airport, so you can always rely on us to go to the destination you need to be. We also believe that our passengers shouldn't get less simply because they pay less, and that's why we're committed to offering affordable air travel that comes complete with exemplary customer service. So check out our last minute flights today.

Plan your visit to the Wilderness City with WestJet

Airport Details: From LIR, Liberia International Airport To YXY, Erik Nielsen Whitehorse International Airport

There's no question that Whitehorse is a top destination for any travellers seeking a glimpse of the Aurora Borealis, also known as the Northern Lights. Yet this cosmic show is far from the only attraction in Yukon's capital: there's also an abundance of natural facilities for dog mushing, skiing, ice fishing and other wintry adventures. In addition, a warm welcome awaits in the town itself — especially at the Shipyards Park, where locals come together to ice skate, enjoy festivals and shop at seasonal markets.

You can always trust in WestJet for last minute flights when you want to experience a truly alluring and gorgeous destination in Yukon. No matter the nature of your visit, you’re sure to enjoy Miles Canyon, Emerald Lake and S.S. Klondike — most of all you can count on WestJet to get you from Liberia to Whitehorse.

For an enriching air travel experience, book with WestJet today.

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