Last minute flights from London to Monterey

If last minute flights from London to Monterey is what you’re looking for, coming to WestJet was a smart move. We fly into Monterey Peninsula Airport — not to mention more than 150 other destinations — and we're ready to get you where you're going. Because one of our main priorities has always been to provide superior guests experiences, you can trust that you’ll always have a safe, affordable trip. Explore our selection of last minute flights now.

Escape to The Language Capital of the World with WestJet

Airport Details: From YXU, London International Airport To MRY, Monterey Peninsula Airport

Historic Monterey's Californian climate is perfect for a laidback lifestyle — and its Pacific vistas are known to attract writers, musicians and other artists. It's also a respected destination when it comes to diving, offering amateurs and professionals abundant dive sites, including the deepest underwater canyon on North America's Pacific Coast. There's also the Monterey Bay Aquarium, an attraction that's always popular among families.

Get last minute flights from WestJet and before you know it, you’ll be in a truly cozy and comfortable part of California. We know the Museum of Maritime History, Monterey Canyon and the Monterey Peninsula Recreational Trail are amongst the things you can’t wait to see, which is why at WestJet, we’re dedicated to getting you from London to Monterey.

Soar through the clouds with WestJet: book with us today.

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