Last minute flights from San Francisco to Nanaimo

Make WestJet your first and last stop in your search for last minute flights from San Francisco to Nanaimo. We have flights to 100 destinations in North America, Central America, the Caribbean and Europe, including Nanaimo Airport, so you’ll never have a problem getting where you need be, when you need to be there. Because one of our main priorities has always been to provide superior guests experiences, you can trust that you’ll always have a safe, affordable trip. So if we encompass the things you value most in flying then book with us today.

You can get to the Harbour City with WestJet

Airport Details: From SFO, San Francisco International Airport To YCD, Nanaimo Airport

An abundance of natural splendour and modern amenities makes Nanaimo a truly desirable destination. Shops, galleries and restaurants line the streets for enjoyable leisurely strolls. There are also outdoor pursuits to enjoy in British Columbia's "Harbour City," including hiking and biking in one of Canada's most temperate climates.

Find last minute flights with WestJet that will take you to one of the most amiable and liveable places in British Columbia. We know you’re looking forward to The Port Theatre, Casino Nanaimo and Yellow Point Stained & Art Glass Studio, which is why WestJet is committed to getting you from San Francisco to Nanaimo.

For a safe, comfortable and caring air travel experience, book with WestJet.

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