Last minute flights from Terrace to Liberia

Make WestJet your first and last stop in your search for last minute flights from Terrace to Liberia. We fly to destinations in North America, Central America, the Caribbean and Europe — including flights into Liberia International Airport — and we're here to get you where you want to be. One of our main focuses is to provide our guests with great experiences, which include safe, affordable travel, and that will never change. Take a look at our range of last minute flights today.

Plan your visit to the White City with WestJet

Airport Details: From YXT, Northwest Regional Airport To LIR, Liberia International Airport

With its remote location in northwest Costa Rica, Liberia puts spectacular Central American ecology at visitors' fingertips. Dense rainforest canopies, volcanic mountains, bubbling hot springs and towering waterfalls can be found in "La Ciudad Blanca," making it a haven for outdoor adventurers. Retail shopping and fine dining await in the city itself — and there are abundant surfing spots at nearby Caribbean and Pacific coastlines.

Your trip to Costa Rica's most lush and biodiverse destination starts when you book your last minute flight. Enjoy swift, comfortable travel from Terrace to Liberia with WestJet and put nearby Playa del Coco, Africa Mia and Parque Central right at your fingertips.

For a safe, comfortable and caring air travel experience, book with WestJet.

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