Last minute flights from Winnipeg to Las Vegas

Make WestJet your first and last stop in your search for last minute flights from Winnipeg to Las Vegas. We fly into McCarran International Airport — not to mention more than 150 other destinations — and we're ready to get you where you're going. Since our inception, we've been dedicated to delivering excellent guest experiences at affordable prices. Explore our selection of last minute flights now.

Let's fly to the Entertainment Capital of the World

Airport Details: From YWG, Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airport To LAS, McCarran International Airport

Is there anything left to say about a 24-hour city that's known far and wide as the gambling, entertainment and even marriage capital of the world? Well, we'd point out that it's effortless to get here with WestJet flights into an airport that's just a few kilometres from the action-packed downtown core. This glitzy, glamorous and unforgettable city is waiting to be explored — and we're here to help you get the most out of a truly must-see destination.

If you need last minute flights to one of the most exciting and entertaining destinations in Nevada, you know you can get there with WestJet. Whether it's for business purposes or to see the likes of the Las Vegas Strip, Bellagio’s world famous fountains or Grand Canyon, WestJet offers air travel from Winnipeg to Las Vegas that's swift, safe and comfortable.

For an exceptional guest experience, book with WestJet today.

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