Last minute flights to Nassau from St. John’s

For last minute flights to Nassau from St. John’s, WestJet has you covered. Not only do we fly to Lynden Pindling International Airport, but we also travel to more than 150 destinations in Canada, the U.S., Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and Europe, so you can be sure we'll get you where you want to go with ease. But our extensive network of routes isn't the only thing that makes WestJet a great choice for travellers: we also offer a friendly, welcoming guest experience that helps to set our safe, affordable air travel apart. For service and value that soars above the rest, choose WestJet.

We'll get you to Nassau

Airport Details: To NAS, Lynden Pindling International Airport From YYT, St. John

Nassau is where you'll find everything you would expect of the Bahamas – sun, sand and beautiful sunsets – but it's also brimming with colonial history. In fact, one of the Bahaman capital's best-loved attractions is the fun-filled Pirates of Nassau museum, where visitors can experience the latest interactive technologies as they virtually search for shipwrecks and buried treasure. Bay street and Straw Market are a must-visit, offering trinkets, souvenirs and designer goods at intimate shops and artisanal stores.

Isn't it about time you took a trip? Browse and book last minute flights with WestJet now and make your trip to mesmerizing, gracious Nassau a reality. Whether your itinerary is all business or all fun — including the likes of Atlantis Paradise Island, Fort Charlotte or the Queen’s Staircase — we make it easy to get there swiftly, safely, comfortably and affordably. Fly to Nassau from St. John’s with us and find out firsthand how we take outstanding customer service sky high.

Your next journey starts now: book with WestJet today.

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