Not sure what your reservation code is?

Need help signing in? Our service agent Arianna is here to assist.

Tip: If your email address is associated with multiple accounts, try signing in with your WestJet Rewards ID instead.

Flexible change or cancellation

There’s no fee to change or cancel  flights booked before March 31, 2022

If you cancel your flight, the funds will be returned as a Travel Bank credit; any portion paid with WestJet dollars will be returned to your account and the original expiration date (if applicable) will apply.

Protect your vacation with the Travel Protection Plan. To request cancellation of a WestJet Vacations package, please contact us directly.

If you booked through a Travel Agent (online or directly), Corporate Travel arranger, or another airline, please contact them directly.

With My trips you have access to several self-serve options, including:

It's go time

The time to book your getaway is now with our new travel ready tips.


Flight status

Travel extras

Explore our cabins

Email itinerary


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