Contact us by phone
Our average wait time is currently longer than usual while we help guests with imminent travel. Please visit our self-serve page for available options or you can request a call back and we’ll be in touch with you on the date and time you select.
We’re here to help
New or existing bookings and general inquiries:
Please be advised: when making new bookings by phone, some fare bundles will be subject to a service fee.
WestJet Vacations bookings:
Missing or damaged bags:
Toll-free from North America
Additional phone numbers
Calling from a country not listed, or if a specific number is not working due to calling restrictions: +1-403-444-2446.
Long distance charges will apply. Restrictions may be due to local carrier, mobile carrier, or calling limitations at hotel/accommodations.
When dialing international toll-free numbers, please be advised that additional charges may apply from hotels or payphones and certain restrictions may also apply from mobile phones and telecom providers. Please use the local international dialing prefix where applicable.
Phone services for guests with special needs
TTY: If you have a teletypewriter (TTY), you can contact us with a few simple steps:
- Dial 711.
- After the operator gives you the go ahead, type in 1-888-937-8538 and then type GA.
- The operator will dial the number for you and will let you know as soon as someone answers the call.
- You will then proceed to use teletype to communicate with the operator, and the operator will act as a translator to WestJet.
Guests with disabilities experiencing difficulties accessing
- Toll-free: 1-866-693-7853
- Email: